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The Ukraine War Shows Nukes Mean Safety from US-Led Regime Change

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2022 11:24 am
by claireokc
Commentary  Some journalists like Steve Portnoy of CBS seem unable to grasp that escalations that might lead to nuclear war are a bad thing. The journalist seemed incredulous last week when asking White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki why the United States has not started a full-on war with Moscow. Psaki’s position—with which any reasonable person could agree—was that it is not in the interest of Americans “to be in a war with Russia.” Washington’s reluctance to go to war might seem odd for anyone who has paid attention to American foreign policy since the end of the Cold War. After all, for more than thirty years, Washington has been enthusiastic when presented with opportunities to start wars with many countries—including the civilians who live there. Iraq has been a target twice. Washington made war on Afghanistan for more than twenty years. The United States launched repeated bombing campaigns against Serbia and was happy to help bomb Libya. The U.S. regime pushed for full-scale war with Syria, and ultimately executed a small-scale invasion. U.S. troops are in Syria to this day. Iran has long been a target, and starting a war with Iran has long been a given, with John McCain once singing, “Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran.” But now, even the White House admits war with Russia is not in the interests of “the American people.” ...

Source: ... 05364.html