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China’s Growing Power Like Tentacles of an Octopus, Enveloping the World: James Fanell

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2022 11:24 am
by claireokc
In this special episode, we sat down with Captain Jim Fanell, former director of Intelligence and Information Operations for the U.S. Pacific Fleet. He talks about the rising trade deals and cooperation between China and Brazil, how that impacts America, and where things are headed going forward. Fanell pointed out China’s Belt and Road initiative and how “we saw China expand its economic and military interest through the South China Sea and out through the Indian Ocean and into the Mediterranean and into Europe via sea lanes. They’ve done the same thing, essentially, through rail lines across Central Asia and into Eastern Europe, and now Central Europe and Western Europe. And they’ve also now been making pushes out into the South Pacific. But what we haven’t really focused on, I think the Americans, ourselves, is looking at what China has been doing in Latin America.” ...

Source: ... 07653.html