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Tired All the Time?

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2022 11:24 am
by claireokc
The most common complaint my functional medicine colleagues and I hear from our patients is, “I’m always tired, my energy is low, and I can’t seem to pull myself out of this slump.” Chronic tiredness is ubiquitous today. It can range in severity and have a myriad of underlying causes. Yet when it comes to fatigue, the health of the cellular mitochondria, the “energy factories” in each cell that drive human life, are a common issue. Each cell contains several of these organelles, which function as rechargeable batteries to transform food and oxygen into energy. Mitochondria are extremely dynamic and respond constantly to changes in our body resulting from food, air, water, exercise, stress, hormone status, inflammation, injury, infection, toxins, and so on. In a best-case scenario, they respond to life’s varying stressors with fusion, joining together to form super-mitochondria that increase energy and resilience. ...

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