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Trump At The Dallas American Airlines Center

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 8:06 pm
by claireokc
This was on December 18th, which was a few weeks ago, but in the middle of the Christmas Season, family in town and all sorts of stuff, just now getting to post.

There were two salient points about this "interview" and every time Trump appears, it's very obvious that he's not through with politics.
  1. O'Reilly made the point during the interview that because of campaign finance laws, Trump can not announce before January, 2023, so there wasn't even a question about him running. He's running unless he's dead!
  2. Why didn't he fire Fauci? Trump's Answer: It wouldn't have made any difference. Fauci didn't want Chinese traffic stopped, but Trump stopped it anyway. Fauci wanted masks for this or that, Trump didn't - didn't matter. Fauci wanted a lot of stuff that Trump didn't do, so as far as firing him, it wouldn't have mattered cause Fauci didn't have that much power under Trump. Also, there were more important battles to fight and Fauci wasn't one of them. It's only the libs that have forfeited their power to Fauci.
  3. Why didn't Trump fire so many incompetents? Trump's answer: before he won the presidency, he had never spent the night in DC. He didn't know who was good who wasn't and relied upon advice from confidants, friends, and others for recommendations on good people. And when those folks didn't work out, they were replaced. Of course, we now know the depth and breadth of the Deep State which is made up of mid-level and upper-level management of the government. So that when John Radcliff, DNI, asked for documents to be redacted, prepared for release and release, the mid-managements simply said, "Oh we can't do that," or "That can't be done that fast," or "That's not possible," without really offering anything other than "It can't be done in that time allowance." And the truth is that unless someone sucks up to these mid-level know-it-alls, the job doesn't get done. This is what has caused the huge problem within in the DOJ, CIA, and many other departments within the government that are run by the mid-level smart alecks who think they know better than the officials elected by the American people.
  4. Asked why he left when everyone knew he had won the 2020 election. His answer was that this was the best way for folks to see the mess that DC was in.
And the truth is that he's right. The American people really needed to see that, and they do in spades now.

Other observations, the arena was not full, but about 2/3 to 3/4 full. The line outside was stretched around two blocks from the American Airlines Center and the interview started about 45 minutes late because the Secret Service couldn't get everyone checked out there were so many who came to the interview.

Made some wonderful friends in line and could hear others strike up conversations within the line. This is a very welcoming and very inclusive group. They always have been, as evidenced by the party and "tailgate" atmosphere outside the rallies. It was fun to be in line waiting to get in and everyone was smiling and excited about the event.

I thanked the Secret Service official who checked my person and "wanded me" and many times I heard attendees thank the Secret Service for looking after "our" president and they would smile like this was only the 40 millionth time they had heard that. Many of them found that it was probably plush duty - hard, but very pleasant because these people are respected by the people who support Trump as well as the Trump staff and Trump himself.

Here are some shots of the event and so glad I did this!