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Don’t Fall for the Myth of Moderate Merrick Garland

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2022 12:48 pm
by claireokc
Commentary For years we were subjected to hysteria over the idea that Donald Trump would politicize the very Justice Department that arguably led the bureaucracy’s war against him. Now, open criticism of the DOJ by the party genuinely in control of it has been deemed acceptable. Leading Democrats are apparently fed up with an attorney general, in Merrick Garland, too feckless to satisfy their Jan. 6 bloodlust. But does their hypocritical bluster presage an epic internecine clash, or are we witnessing a charade, and if so, to what end? “Do your job,” thunders Democrat Elaine Luria of Virginia, a member of the Jan. 6 Select Committee. Rep. Luria, echoing several of her colleagues, is upset Garland’s DOJ isn’t responding quickly enough to the Committee’s criminal contempt referrals, which aim to punish Trump-world figures who refuse to participate in the political show trial. ...

Source: ... 04813.html