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Environmentalists Would Ban Urban Car Use and Internal Flights in Europe to End Russian Energy Imports

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2022 12:19 am
by claireokc
A March report from the environmentalist group RePlanet is pushing for an immediate halt to imports of Russian oil, natural gas, and coal by European countries, arguing that major policy shifts could rapidly end that dependence. While the European Union has pledged to phase out Russian fossil fuel imports by 2027, the RePlanet campaigners aim to accelerate that timeline through various measures, including the reactivation of shuttered nuclear plants, the reduction of heating in buildings, the fast-tracking of new wind and solar energy, and outright prohibitions on certain forms of travel within Europe. “We propose bans on all business flights, private jets and internal flights within Europe to save oil, and bans also on car use within cities. This should be combined with free public transport,” the report states, adding that a quarter of European oil use would need to be slashed to compensate for the loss of Russian oil. ...

Source: ... 04407.html