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For Whatever Else Is Said About Patrick Byrne, He Does Know His Stuff

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2022 7:57 am
by claireokc
Patrick Byrne, the ex-CEO of, is an interesting fellow. He had cancer 3 times in his 20s and decided to study philosophy and had a head for real history and real consequences. As Mike Lindell would say, "What a concept?!" The point is that truth does win out in the end, even if it seems that liberals are trying to strangle it at every opportunity.

I wrote about an interview on American Thought Leaders with Wokal Distance (don't let the name dissuade you from this interview. It actually is worth your time). And Patrick's latest blog, reiterates this point...

Truth Does Will Out in the End.

Quotes (from Wokal Distance interview) like:
When the Soviet Union came down, it didn't crumble because of bombs and guns. It collapsed under the weight of the lies that were propping it up.
As Alexander Solzhenitsyn (famous Soviet dissident) said:
We know they are lying.
They know they are lying.
They know that we know they are lying.
We know that they know that we know they are lying.
and still they continue to lie.
Patrick Byrne is also saying the same thing...
Events of the last 16 months (since the election of 11/3/20) have tuned this insight to a fine pitch. In an attempt to normalize what was a brazenly stolen election there has been a need for “the ruling class” to shape the ideas of this epoch, primary among them being that the victory of Joe Biden was authentic. That is the “reality” they must “create”. The challenge facing those seeking to make this true is that the evidence of the theft is ubiquitous and overwhelming. So much so, that only about 25% of Americans will tell a pollster they are confident Biden was legitimately elected. So in order to flog a crumbling narrative that it was “the cleanest election in history,” and to delegitimize any competing narrative, the truth must be ignored and/or smothered. This was admirably illustrated recently by Doug Bock Clark and PBS: Doug Bock Clark Goes Full Baghdad Bob (A Preview Review of Pro Publica’s C-Grade Propaganda) as well as Begging a Question Until It Bleeds: On “The Plot to Overturn the Election” (PBS, B-Grade). This is the normalization that we have seen since Friday, November 6, 2020: because the lie they are selling is (at this point) so obviously a lie, and the truth they are covering so obviously the truth, that they have to lay it on so thick. Since November 2020 we have seen them putting lipstick on this pig, but now they have to lay it on with a trowel.
But it ain't workin'! No matter how much they slather on the lie (or the lipstick on the pig - what a great visual), the lie is still there. We might not have complete justice in the next half of the Brandon admin, but the mid-terms will tell us a lot about how the liberals have completely gone off the track trying to retain power that is literally nothing more than grasping at straws to support their crumbling system.

So when you hear wonderfully optimistic quotes like: "The does will out in the end," they aren't mindlessly or blindly optimistic. Because:
Truth doesn't care. Reality doesn't care about your ideology. Truth is unconcerned about whatever you think someone's interests are. It persists. Reality is the thing you run into when your beliefs are false.