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VOTE - IN PERSON Defeats & Spoils Election Fraud

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2022 11:51 am
by claireokc
I met with Dr. Frank the other night and his message was frank (no pun) and clear:

Vote In Person on Voting Day at your Polling Place!

He gives several reasons for this as most states will supersede any absentee, or other types of voting (the industrial-strength election fraud flourishes in the "before" voting), and it puts the election officials on notice that if their poll books (the list of voters issued to each polling place) aren't in order there's going to be a mess at the polls and if there's a mess, it makes them (the state election boards) look inept. They know this. That's the reason most polling locations will allow you to vote. I KNOW this is true in Oklahoma.

We have the upcoming mid-terms coming up and the libs know that they are not in the winning category. That means there's going to be a lot of wannabe cheaters out there lurking to see where they can cheat. Not all the election laws are the same, but a lot of states have tightened up the requirements, and more will be coming, but we aren't out of the woods yet.

What Dr. Frank, a statistician, recommends is that if we conservatives flood the polls on voting day, we defeat a lot of election fraud:
  • If you go to the poll and the poll worker tells you, you've already voted absentee, but you say you want to vote today, the poll worker will ask you to sign an affidavit saying that you haven't voted absentee, and your vote at the poll will count. What this does is:
    • If you have voted and forgotten, this IP (in person) vote is the one that counts, and this is where you have to show your voting card or driver's license or other form of ID
    • If you haven't voted absentee (your ballot was either absconded or mistakenly sent someplace else, and someone else voted on that ballot), then that absentee ballot doesn't count and your IP vote counts
    • If you haven't asked for an absentee ballot, but someone else as either received your ballot and used it or it's been sent someplace else, your IP vote will count
    • If your absentee ballot never came, and someone else used it, your IP vote will count
    • If there's been a fraudulent attempt at using your ballot, it will be corrected on voting day when you vote IP at the polls.
  • If someone else has absconded with your registration (moved you to another county, or otherwise deleted you from the rolls) you can actually still vote in person at the poll with note that you have not moved, and that re-registration is invalid
  • If your registration has been tampered with in any manner whatsoever, your voting IP at the polls cleans up that registration and supersedes any other voting.
Dr. Frank's salient remark that VOTE IN PERSON AT THE POLLS ON VOTING DAY, defeats so many forms of election and/or voter fraud, that it becomes a no-brainer. Sometimes it's inconvenient. In Oklahoma, we have early voting, and I've done that before, however it's voting at the polls that is the final say. That means that if anything hinky is going on with your vote, you voting IN PERSON will be the final say!