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Passive Income: Like Finding Money

Posted: Thu May 12, 2022 2:48 am
by claireokc
Passive income is one of the three most recognized types of personal income–joining active income and portfolio income. The word “passive” in this case refers to the relationship between the income and the person receiving it: it is a passive relationship, or one might say that there is very little relationship at all. Unlike active income, which is directly connected to duties performed or services rendered, passive income is regular income derived from sources upon which the recipient has little direct influence. It can be ownership of or partnership in a rental property, or investment in a dividend-bearing stock. The goal of a passive income stream is to create a constant income boost without requiring any action on the part of the investor. Although some research and thought goes into developing a passive income stream, the hope is that it eventually requires nothing from you beyond checking your bank account balance from time to time as your wealth grows. ...

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