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Another Fabulous Interview in American Thought Leaders

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2022 11:52 pm
by claireokc
This guy, Wokal Distance (which is obviously a nome de social media), really does a great job of breaking down all the nonsense of the Woke community and where they come up with all their crazy ideas. Below I write a little more on that if you really want to read the nonsense which is it, and any practical person who has lived longer than four decades on this planet working and making sure bills get paid, food is on the table, and roof over the head, knows that this stuff is a bunch of nonsense.

For me, it's always been a quandary as to why these folks would so fervently like to destroy the system that gave them all these opportunities that they say others don't have. In reality, they've never had it so good, now they are saying that what they have isn't good enough? Really? What's the purpose of destroying what gave them opportunities so that future generations won't enjoy these opportunities? This sorta explains the logic, and believe me the logic is not high on their priority list, so this was going to take a huge explanation about how we got to this woke place.

Here's the great takeaway from this two-part interview:
When the Soviet Union came down, it didn't crumble because of bombs and guns. It collapsed under the weight of the lies that were propping it up. It was broken apart because it crashed on the rocks of reality, cause the things they were saying were not true. All of this lying, this dishonesty removed them from reality and that's why they crashed. Truth doesn't care. Reality doesn't care about your ideology. Truth is unconcerned about whatever you think someone's interests are. It persists. Reality is the thing you run into when your beliefs are false. It was the truth that brought down the Soviet Union.

It's the critical thinking (the ability to think clearly and rationally, and CRT {critical race theory} does not qualify as critical thinking) the epistemic adequacy (the ability to look up knowledge, being cognitive - I had to look it up too), the careful consideration, the knowledge of reason and logic, the use of evidence, the cultivation of warrant; these are the things that matter, cause these are the things that bring us to the truth.

"The myopic focus on power is going to, in the mind of the person who's chasing it, create for them the illusion that they are justified in indulging in all kinds of fanciful thinking and all kinds of dishonesty because of who benefits in the name of justice. They want to sacrifice truth on the altar of justice. But as anybody who's ever looked at history before knows, if you sacrifice truth for justice you lose both.

The Wokal Distance (this is only a teaser) interview is on Epoch TV. There are lots more on there. I subscribe to The Epoch Times annual for $89 and it's worth every penny. I get all the Epoch TV interviews (Kash Patel who was Devin Nunes right-hand man in the Nunes Letter episode, has his own show explaining all about the importance of the Durham Filings. Durham has made numerous findings that are very telling, and Kash tells you why cause he has gone through a lot of that information and knows what Durham is finding). Here are some other interviews that are really enlightening:
  • Woke Culture Has Failed from a Hollywood comedian talking about how Hollywood is tripping all over themselves to try and get out a hit since they've taken all the money-makers and make them "woke" they've flopped at the box office!
  • Kash's Corner where he talks about the lates legal filings but also events on the main stage as he was in the Oval Office of #45.
  • Fact Matters with Roman Balmakov on the latest from the Laptop from Hell - the NYTimes now confirms it was all true - shocking I know!!! :shock:
  • American Thought Leaders is still my favorite with interviews with folks like Larry Kudlow, KT McFarland, Laura Dodsworth (author of "A State of Fear: How the UK Government Weaponised Fear During the COVID-19 Pandemic"), and others that you may not have heard of, but it's always well-spent time, particularly in these times when so much is haywire, and what is wrong is right and what is right is wrong!
As promised here is the theoretical explanation of how we got to where we are today from the Wokal Distance Interview:
  • Posit One: If you eat a strawberry, you know what that is, then you have strawberry jam, and yes, you can taste some of the strawberries in it, and strawberry pie, which has a taste of strawberry. But by the time you get to strawberry Sweet Tarts and strawberry Slurpee, that's not a real strawberry taste. It's created in the lab to taste like what we think a strawberry would taste like. It's completely morphed into another flavor that doesn't resemble the original strawberry flavor
  • Posit Two: If I take an orange bucket from Home Depot and take it home and put dirt in it, that's one use for it. If Walt takes it and turns it upside down and uses it for a stool, that's his use for it. If a kid comes over and starts banging on it with drum sticks that's his use for it. So is it a bucket, a stool or a drum? It all depends upon what your perception is. This taken to a more global (and yes, more ridiculous) degree, that not only does this pertain to objects, but to feelings. If I say something but you perceive it as something else, then that word no longer means what I used it for, it is what it is perceived as being used for that matters.
Now taking Posit One and morphing it into Posit Two, you get things like a guy who's asking a girl out for a date and she says, all you want to do is get into bed with me. He says, no I won't go on a date, we'll just hang out - a bunch of us are going to a basketball game and come along. She says, no you just want to get into bed with me. He says, no we don't have to do anything and I'll see you at church on Sunday. The girl says, all you'll want to do to me is get me in bed with me. He says fine, I won't see you. She says, so my rejection has hurt your feelings. The guy can't win no matter what. This is the whole idea behind CRT - it's not meant to be logical and it's certainly not meant to last and definitely not for 200 years!

This is the whole purpose of the Woke Movement. It's not about truth, it's about power (surprise), and any sort of change for the good (which BTW is always the cry of the socialist from Trotsky and Lenin to Pol Pot to Castro to Maduro). Beware of the change for the good!