Tucker Carlson On 🎯 With Racists Run Amok

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Tucker Carlson On 🎯 With Racists Run Amok

Post by claireokc »

How apropos this is. About the new press secretary that has no other qualifications other than her looks.

Here are a few of my favorite quotes:
On the new press secretary's sexual status (I'm waiting on bated breath to hear this - how about you?! :roll:
Well, you've heard it from Jen Psaki, she's going to be the first LGBTQ+ person to be the WH press secretary.
Then cuts to about 5 quotes, all verbatim the same words of description of the new press secretary's descriptions of her qualifications.
But before you light a candle in the quick celebration, a question. What does LGBTQ+ mean? Hey Jen...let us know.... Explain every letter in that anacronym and specifically what it signifies. We'll wait. Don't hold your breath because she's not going to do it, because like everyone else who uses that phrase, she has no idea. It's one of those terms you're not supposed to define. One day you start using it,...and anyone who asks what it means is immediately perceived to be in the out-group. So it's not actually a word. Words are meant to signify meaning to communicate to other people. It's a litmus test. And you could fail. ...don't ask questions. Karine Jean-Pierre is our new WH Press Secretary and that's all you need to know. It's a good thing. Shut up! That's why she got the job. She's in the right group for the Biden Admin who thinks totally in terms of groups and never in terms of individuals. Individuals are messy and inconvenient. The group is all that matters. This is exactly how they pick supreme court justices or vice presidents or members of the federal reserve board, and now the all-important press secretary gig has gone to some other basis of the group. It's really simple: show us your picture and we'll tell you if you're qualified for the job.
But here's the clincher in all this...get this...
Not only is she a member of the 'out' LGBTQ+ community, she's also, critically, the product of a private school and an Ivy-League College and yet is still oppressed somehow. She's furious with America, despite her privilege, and enraged by its racist systems of oppression. And she's happy to tell you about it.
And then a cut to her talking about how oppressive America is...yada, yada, yada!
Yeah, they keep electing Obama and promoting me despite the fact I have no qualifications for the job: Lesson: It's a racist country.

Now there's a word for this. It's called 'crybulling.' 'Stop hitting me,' they say as they are punching you in the face. Why are they doing it? Because it works!
OMG - a new word - I love it - CRYBULLYING CRYBULLY.

I can't wait to use it. Here are the full opening remarks from Tucker:

"America needs a brushfire, a moral and spiritual brushfire. And brushfires burn from the bottom up." ~ Bob Woodson
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