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Alberta Court Rules Federal Environmental Impact Law Is Unconstitutional

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 10:41 pm
by claireokc
The federal government’s law to measure the environmental impacts of projects, which detractors said was meant to prevent the construction of pipelines, is unconstitutional according to an Alberta Court of Appeal ruling published Tuesday. The court said the environment needs to be protected and urgency is needed to tackle climate change, but this should not be a reason to override the Constitution and the federal system. “Climate change constitutes an existential threat to Canada. But climate change is not the only existential threat facing this country,” says the decision. “The IAA [Impact Assessment Act] involves another existential threat—one also pressing and consequential—and that is the clear and present danger this legislative scheme presents to the division of powers guaranteed by our Constitution and thus, to Canada itself.” ...

Source: ... 58541.html