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Inflation: The Calm Before the Storm

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 10:40 pm
by claireokc
Commentary A massive inflationary storm is on its way in this country. It’s bad now, but it’s only going to worsen sooner than later. Why would this be? There are several factors, but the biggest factor is the war. Not the war in Ukraine, but rather the war against the dollar. There are many moving pieces, but the key point is that the world is moving away from the dollar. In fact, there’s a global war against the U.S. dollar. There are a variety of reasons for this. A Debt-Laden Dollar Means Weakness For one, the U.S. national debt is simply unsupportable. Since taking office, the Biden administration has added more than $6 trillion to the balance sheet in liabilities. That alone has hurt the credibility of the United States as an economic power and the dollar as a viable currency in the future. ...

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