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Music Therapy, More Powerful Than You Might Expect

Posted: Mon May 09, 2022 8:28 pm
by claireokc
An elderly woman was admitted to a medical facility in southern California, but nobody knew what to do for her. She was clearly angry, but she couldn’t communicate, and was impossible to console. After three days, she still did not speak, and would throw punches at anyone who came too close. That’s when staff called in board certified music therapist, Kat Fulton. After considering the woman’s age, hometown, and other details from her chart, Fulton thought of a song to soothe this non-verbal, combative patient. Music therapist Kat Fulton works with clients old and young. (Courtesy of Kat Fulton) “Standing in the doorway I played an old Tin Pan Alley tune called Bicycle Built for Two,” said Fulton, who runs a music therapy practice in San Diego, as well as a series of continuing education videos on music therapy. ...

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