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Man Finds 1925 Studebaker Converted Firetruck Forgotten in Garage for Decades, Gets It Running Again

Posted: Mon May 09, 2022 2:20 pm
by claireokc
A Nashville man who revives beat-up old cars managed to exhume and restart a truck from the 1920s with a colorful history. Derek Bieri, 37, scours the internet to unearth junkyard treasures from all across America. That’s how he stumbled on a 1925 Studebaker truck last spring. Pushed into the corner of a barn, it had been forgotten, collecting dust on a farm in southeastern Wisconsin. It didn’t run, had all flat tires, and sat rotting for decades. Bieri saw potential. “I was looking for a challenge, and I certainly got it that day,” he said. It took months of digging for old parts and figuring out contraptions he’d never seen before, such as a chain-driven starter, but eventually he got the truck fired up and took it for a test drive. But it was digging into the unique Studebaker’s history that really piqued Bieri’s interest. ...

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