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Good Neighbors Found to Be Important for Good Mental Health

Posted: Mon May 09, 2022 2:20 pm
by claireokc
Researchers from Australia have discovered through a nationally-representative survey that living in community-minded neighbourhoods can have a major impact on a person’s mental health. A survey undertaken by Australian National University (ANU) which monitored over 3000 people during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, showed that the social relationships provided within good neighbourhoods protect residents against anxiety, depression, and loneliness. The participants were surveyed three times over the course of May to November and were separated into groups to identify what variables in their life, such as the neighbourhood they live in, worsened or improved their experience. Faith and community are the solution to the problem of overdeveloped individualism and isolation. (CravenA/Shutterstock) “People generally are much less likely to report symptoms of depression, anxiety and loneliness if they have positive perceptions of their neighbourhood social environments,” lead author James O’Donnell said in an ANU news release. ...

Source: ... 53721.html