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Bay Area Celebrates 30th Anniversary of World Falun Dafa Day

Posted: Mon May 09, 2022 2:20 pm
by claireokc
SAN FRANCISCO—Hundreds of Falun Gong adherents commemorated the 30th anniversary of the founding of the spiritual practice with a parade in San Francisco on May 7. Two Falun Gong practitioners shared how the practice changed their lives. Linda Campbell, who is from the North Bay, has been practicing for 14 years. She used to get colds and flus often, but after practicing, she is much healthier. “I look at it as a time of gratitude, as a time to just remember just how wonderful it is that [Mr. Li Hongzhi] brought this practice to the public so that we could all benefit from it,” said Campbell. ...

Source: ... 53896.html