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Are Bananas a Nutrient Packed Snack or a Glorified Candy?

Posted: Sun May 08, 2022 3:34 pm
by claireokc
You don’t have to be an expert in bananas to know they are super sweet. But can all that sweetness exist in a superfood? There’s no doubt bananas can be highly controversial. They’re very high in sugar but remain a low glycemic load food. The biggest danger from these may come from slipping on a peel. Bananas are rich in nutrition and a great source of something nearly everybody could use more of—fiber. They are also versatile, accessible, convenient, and affordable. The biggest claim to fame of the banana is the potassium content. One medium-sized banana has 375 milligrams (mg), which is about 11 percent of the daily recommended intake for men and 16 percent for women. ...

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