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Do Not Use Insecticides Indiscriminately, Use These 4 Safety Precautions to Avoid Parkinson’s Disease

Posted: Sat May 07, 2022 3:11 am
by claireokc
Insecticides are chemicals used to kill mosquitoes, ants, flies, fleas, and other insects. Will this substance that can kill mosquitoes be harmful to our body? Practicing the following four precautionary habits will give you peace of mind when using insecticides, as the weather warms and bugs start to fly. Many people are so frightened when they discover cockroaches indoors that they spray the insecticide on them until they are dead. Some people may have lots of planters around their yard, and regularly and excessively spray insecticides all over their yard to eradicate the mosquitos. This excessive spraying can cause overexposure to the insecticides. Common insecticides are divided into spray-type insecticides which can be water-based or oil-based and smoke-type insecticides which are natural insecticides using the tobacco leaves and water. According to Zhao Mingwei, an associate professor of Zhongyan University who is a poison expert, no matter what insecticide we use, three parts of our body will still be affected. ...

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