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How to Remove Ink Stains From Leather

Posted: Thu May 05, 2022 4:30 pm
by claireokc
A new leather sofa or leather handbag — so beautiful. Or perhaps it’s the car you’ve had for a long time, the one with leather upholstery that still looks fantastic because that you’ve babied and protected it against spills and stains. And then somehow, that beautiful leather gets hit with an ink stain. It shouldn’t happen, but life being what it is, stuff does happen. You’re not alone; it happens to all of us. Here’s what happened to Dana, who wrote recently: “While working, I placed an ink pen in the back pocket of my jeans. Later, I realized the pen was not there, only to locate it in the seat of my car. Apparently it had slipped out of my pocket and wrote on the leather seats — blue ink on tan leather — before I realized it had gotten out. Not a pretty sight, especially considering I have no kids to blame it on!” ...

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