Where Are The Great Art Works Of Our Time

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Where Are The Great Art Works Of Our Time

Post by claireokc »

This video is really a remarkable comment on that subject. As an artist, a clothing designer, I'm sick to death of virtually the same post-apocalyptic look season after season, with the doomsday scenario repeated over and over and over ad nauseum that I'm to the point, that a real post-apocalyptic scenario would be better.
I mean really the constant hammering of it is enough to bring on a change.
This kind of thing can only be done so much and then it becomes boring. This has been going on now for THIRTY years and the consumer and designers are begging for a change.

But there is no change.


Because the left won't let them change. Life has to be worse than worse because that's what the Deep State and the liberal toadies of the catastrophe du jour want we consumers and the public to feel as abjectly lost because this drivel has been forced down our throats so much.

Fortunately, in my business, I can actually make beautiful, flattering, and love clothes to wear.

I make formal things:
I make fun things (but oh so practical)
More fun things:
But I'm still not out of the going-to-wedding business - so I need something pretty for that
And this is my take on something new that should have been a fashion trend we should have followed - isn't it pretty and fun and happy?

So where's the lead on this new phase of fashion? Fashion normally changes every 10 years because if it doesn't then it gets boring, trite, overused and basically the style gets abused - like this:
or this:
And yes, that middle person is a woman - I guess! :roll:

When these fashion mistakes happen, the rise of the fashion victim occurs and becomes the norm. When fashion changes there's not enough time for this to happen, but because we are in such a doldrum of fashion, visual pollution is everywhere.

But there's another reason for this, and it's because the liberals have so cracked down on the artistic community - movies, TV shows, entertainment, comedians, and also music, songs (where's the quintessential song for this age - like Easy Rider or Mrs. Robinson)? There is no great novel of this time. It's all dead out there.

That's what this interview is about and it's excellent and extremely uplifting

To quote Andrew Breitbart:
Politics is downstream from Culture
Art has always been the precurse of history. I had the fortune to have a great education and my senior year, I had to study, art ( like to draw, so it was fun), music (I was a singer so this wasn't hard), literature (a bear in my neck at all times) and history. And inevitably what I found is that about 1/2 of a generation (about 10 to 15 years) before a cultural, political, and history being written happened, the art saw it coming before it really happened.

From the video:
Culture reflects what people want. It reflects what they want to buy, what they want to watch; what shows they enjoy. It even reflects who they will be voting for.

Here's a little teaser for the interview:

And here's the whole interview.
"America needs a brushfire, a moral and spiritual brushfire. And brushfires burn from the bottom up." ~ Bob Woodson
OU Chinaman
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Re: Where Are The Great Art Works Of Our Time

Post by OU Chinaman »

..."Art is a selective re-creation of reality according to an artist's metaphysical value judgements. Man's profound need of art lies in the fact that his cognitive faculty is conceptual, i.e. that he acquires knowledge by means of abstractions, and needs the power to bring his widest metaphysical abstractions into his immediate, perceptual awareness.
Art fulfills this need: by means of a selective re-creation, it concretizes man's fundamental view of himself and of existence. It tells man, in effect, which aspects of his experience are to be regarded as essential, significant, important.
In this sense, art teaches man how to use his consciousness by conveying to him a certain way of looking at existence.
The Objectivist Newsletter April 1971-Ayn Rand
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Re: Where Are The Great Art Works Of Our Time

Post by claireokc »

Beautifully put - and I would even go further saying that art is not only "selective" but "representative" in that as we grow, our perceptions changes - as in the liberal student that then goes to work and is shocked at the amount of withholding in his/her paycheck due to those "liberal" policies that he/she held in such esteem while in school. Life teaches us lessons which are those abstractions that can be manifested through art. Withholding those "lessons" can severely damage and warp our connection and impression of life and thereby warp our art.

When that art is warped...this is what you get - and this is the crime that the retail, manufacturers, designers and marketers all contribute to.

OU Chinaman wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 10:15 pm ..."Art is a selective re-creation of reality according to an artist's metaphysical value judgements. Man's profound need of art lies in the fact that his cognitive faculty is conceptual, i.e. that he acquires knowledge by means of abstractions, and needs the power to bring his widest metaphysical abstractions into his immediate, perceptual awareness.
Art fulfills this need: by means of a selective re-creation, it concretizes man's fundamental view of himself and of existence. It tells man, in effect, which aspects of his experience are to be regarded as essential, significant, important.
In this sense, art teaches man how to use his consciousness by conveying to him a certain way of looking at existence.
The Objectivist Newsletter April 1971-Ayn Rand
"America needs a brushfire, a moral and spiritual brushfire. And brushfires burn from the bottom up." ~ Bob Woodson
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