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Australians Sue Government Over Water Allocation to Alleged China Linked Group

Posted: Thu May 05, 2022 3:21 am
by claireokc
Traditional owners in Northern Territory, Australia, are suing the state government to grant a water licence—the largest groundwater allocation in the state—to a controversial company with alleged ties with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The 30-year licence gives Chinese company Fortune Agribusiness the right to use more than 40,000 megalitres, or 16,000 Olympic-sized swimming pools, worth of water each year in Australia for irrigation for its fruit and vegetable project. Mpwerempwer Aboriginal Corporation has asked the Supreme Court to quash the decision, alleging that Northern Territory Families Minister Kate Worden’s decision to grant the licence was “seriously irrational”. “Given the short time between delegation and decision, and the volume and technical nature of the materials, it may be inferred the minister cannot have properly considered (certain key) factors,” their court documents say. ...

Source: ... 42316.html