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‘These Mandates Are Wrong’: Post-Secondary Students’ Lawsuits Challenging COVID-19 Mandates Make Way to Court

Posted: Tue May 03, 2022 10:23 pm
by claireokc
Cases are beginning to make their way into the courts from legal action initiated by college and university students across Canada after their schools started to impose COVID-19 policies particularly those including mandatory vaccination. In Ontario, four students at McMaster University in Hamilton filed a court challenge after being denied their requests for religious exemption from the vaccine mandate. During a two-day trial in March, their lawyer Jorge Pineda argued that McMaster overstepped its authority according to the province’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and Health Care Consent Act. He said the university also violated Section 1 of Ontario’s Human Rights Code, essentially preventing the students’ rights to be free from discrimination. ...

Source: ... 38963.html