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Protesters Gather at Supreme Court After Leaked Abortion Ruling Draft

Posted: Tue May 03, 2022 10:23 pm
by claireokc
Hundreds of people gathered outside the Supreme Court building early Tuesday to voice their reactions to the leak of a draft ruling by the court, which signaled that the landmark abortion statue Roe v. Wade would be overturned. One of the protestors, Patrick Mahoney, chief strategy officer for Stanton Public Policy Center, a pro-life organization, reacted to the leak of the draft opinion, calling it “deplorable.” The Supreme Court should not be manipulated or politicized, he told The Epoch Times. Patrick Mahoney, chief strategy officer for Stanton Public Policy Center, a pro-life organization speaks during the protests outside of the Supreme Court building in Washington, on May 3, 2022. (Emel Akan/The Epoch Times) Regardless, he said, “we’re thrilled about the decision.” ...

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