Sometimes Not A Great Notion

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Sometimes Not A Great Notion

Post by claireokc »

Another great read from American Thinker about how the elites have over-stretched themselves.
Remember the song “Goodnight Irene”? It goes:

“Sometimes I lives in the country
Sometimes I lives in the town
Sometimes I haves a great notion
To jump into the river an' drown .”

The not-so-great notion in recent years, in my view, has been that of the ruling elites of the western nations now heading for political suicide. They seized upon the unknown consequences of the new and fast-spreading Wuhan virus for political gain. They used it to exceed their constitutional powers -- locked down their citizens and demanded compliance with various vaccine mandates and treatment protocols and then clung on to those powers long after the deleterious effect of those mandates exceeded the virus’s harm. Never, to my knowledge, has any country before this quarantined the healthy along with the sick. Never. (And I remind you that while locking down the young, the robust, and the otherwise healthy New Yorkers, Governor Andrew Cuomo went so far as to quarantine the stricken with the healthy but most vulnerable elderly -- the result was thousands of deaths of oldsters otherwise far less likely to have become infected.)
Click here for the rest of the article.
"America needs a brushfire, a moral and spiritual brushfire. And brushfires burn from the bottom up." ~ Bob Woodson
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