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A State Department Report on Organ Harvesting That the CCP Could Love

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2022 7:35 pm
by claireokc
For each of the last 26 years, the State Department has briefly mentioned the egregious practice of forced organ harvesting in China in its congressionally-mandated annual international human rights reports. This year’s chapter on China creates a new sub-section, titled “Organ Harvesting,” which held the promise for, finally, some solid coverage of the mountain of documentation now accumulated on this atrocity. As it turns out, the new heading is an empty promise. The report’s account of China’s organ harvesting is skimpier than ever. Merely two-sentences long, the new section downplays the single new development that it does bother to mention and omits important findings from its prior reporting. ...

Source: ... 32089.html