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Tesoro High School Witnesses DUI Crash Simulation

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 12:05 am
by claireokc
LAS FLORES, Calif.—First responder agencies constructed a crash scene April 24 involving two damaged cars, student actors, and concerned parents in what would be the 31st year of creating a multi-casualty simulation to educate students about the perils of drunk driving. “So we’re going to move her body up on the hood of the car,” Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA) Cpt. and paramedic Steve Concialdi said over a high school student acting as a car crash casualty. “A tarp will go over the vehicles until the students arrive for the presentation.” Students at Tesoro High School watch a mock DUI situation in Las Flores, Calif., on April 25, 2022. (John Fredricks/The Epoch Times) Concialdi is the founder of Friends Against Drinking and Driving, a nonprofit which has been conducting mock DUI crashes in Orange County for 30 years. ...

Source: ... 26879.html