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Dissolving Disney’s Special District ‘Catastrophic’ for Local Taxpayers

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 12:05 am
by claireokc
The Reedy Creek Improvement District’s (RCID) Board of Supervisors meets on April 27 for its regularly scheduled monthly meeting at the district’s offices on Hotel Plaza Boulevard in Lake Buena Vista. On the agenda is an appointment, an amended work order, and a proposed solar power purchase agreement—typical stuff for a special district accorded most of the authority, and responsibilities, of a municipality under Florida law. Not on the agenda, but likely to come up, is the bill passed by Florida lawmakers last week and signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis on April 22 that gives the five-member board 14 months to manage the dissolution of their 38-square-mile district by June 1, 2023. ...

Source: ... 26379.html