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SF Residents Commemorate April 25, 1999 Appeal in Beijing

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 12:05 am
by claireokc
SAN FRANCISCO—This past weekend, practitioners of Falun Gong along with local supporters from the community held events around the city to commemorate a large-scale protest held in China on April 25, 1999. The historic event was notable because of the sheer number of people who quietly gathered in Beijing as they appealed for their right to practice their religious belief. “The practitioners all hope to hold different types of peaceful events like appealing in front of the Chinese Consulate, or holding banners in the downtown area, or holding a parade to raise awareness,” said organizer Kerry Huang. Huang organized the annual activities to commemorate the event that shocked the Chinese government 23 years ago, known as the “April 25 Appeal.” ...

Source: ... 26991.html