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China’s Persecution of Falun Gong Shows CCP Perceives Freedoms as Threat: Rep. Smith

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 12:04 am
by claireokc
The Chinese regime’s expansive attack on the faith group Falun Gong shows that Beijing perceives freedom to be a threat to its totalitarian control, according to Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.). The lawmaker also called on Congress to punish the communist regime for its forced organ harvesting of prisoners of conscience, including Falun Gong practitioners, a practice he described as embodying “inhumane savagery.” Smith made the comments in a statement days ahead of the 23rd anniversary of a peaceful appeal by Falun Gong adherents in Beijing on April 25, 1999, when about 10,000 practitioners gathered at the Chinese Communist Party’s headquarters seeking an environment to practice their faith without state interference or harassment. ...

Source: ... 25036.html