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Big Tech Money is Made From Reinforcing User’s Behaviors: Author Jane Hoffman

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2022 11:20 pm
by claireokc
Jane Hoffman, author of the book “Your Data; Their Billions,” explores Big Tech’s murky practice of profiting by selling users’ personal data. Hoffman said besides cashing in on a person’s online activity, companies like Google and Facebook reinforce political behaviors that deepen divisions in society. “You only see things that reinforce your current behavior. And politically, we may think of it as the splinternet rather than the internet, because people are being divided by their behavior and their online activities,” Hoffman said during a recent interview with NTD Capitol Report. Dr. Robert Epstein, a senior research psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology in California who has conducted rigorous studies of online manipulation, has also found that Big Tech is manipulating users and creating more political division. ...

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