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Try a New Summer Tradition: Camp Grandma Grandpa

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2022 11:20 pm
by claireokc
Summer is on its way. If you’re a grandparent and would like to create a cherished memory that both your grown children and your grandchildren will truly appreciate, may I suggest a new summer tradition: “Camp Grandma Grandpa.” Camp Grandma Grandpa can be tailored, both in name and form, to the specifics of your own family, of course, but the general idea is this: For one fun-filled week (or weekend) the grandchildren stay at their grandparents’ home, where they learn, help out, and have fun spending precious quality time with their grandparents. Though you can prepare activities as elaborate as your heart desires, you don’t have to be Mary Poppins or the Pied Piper to entertain your grandchildren for a week. Invite them into your everyday life and allow them to join in the preparation of dinner, the watering of the garden, the trip to the store, the after-dinner walk, and the volunteer work you do. Special touches may include greeting them with a fresh pack of crayons, baking cookies, taking them to the park or the movies, or reading new books together at bedtime. ...

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