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Follow This Diet to Protect Against Alzheimer’s Disease and Heart Disease

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2022 11:20 pm
by claireokc
For years, natural health experts and knowledgeable physicians and nutritionists have advised the Mediterranean diet for its heart-healthy, life-prolonging effects.  High in healthy fats, fruits, vegetables, and fish and low in saturated fats, sugar, and red meat, the benefits of this way of eating are backed by an accumulating body of international scientific evidence.  Now, a pair of new studies from German and Spanish researchers unveil the connections between the Mediterranean diet and chronic disease risks. In a study published this winter in the journal Neurology, scientists found that the Mediterranean diet may guard against chronic disease development, such as Alzheimer’s disease.  And, in a separate study published in PLOS Medicine, researchers found that the diet can help prevent heart attacks in patients with heart disease.  A mode of eating that comes to us from across the ocean; the Mediterranean diet is truly “making waves” in the field of research on the prevention of degenerative diseases. ...

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