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Rep. Biggs Warns of ‘Border Catastrophe’ After Ending Title 42

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2022 2:52 pm
by claireokc
After Title 42 ends, the volume of illegal border crossings will more than double, straining the already overburdened Border Patrol and leading to an “almost impossible to believe scenario of a border catastrophe,” said Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) on April 19. Biggs recently took about 45 of his colleagues in the House of Representatives—many from non-border states—to visit the southern border. They traveled from San Diego, Calif. to Yuma, Ariz., and visited three border sections, Biggs told NTD’s “Capitol Reports.” “They come away, their eyes are wide open, they understand more than ever the ramifications of continuing to have an open border,” said Biggs who represents a district in the border state of Arizona. ...

Source: ... 18763.html