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History Says GOP is Likely to Prevail in House and Senate Elections This November

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 1:51 am
by claireokc
President Joe Biden’s approval rating continues to crater and inflation is the highest its been since 1982. These are among the factors that have Democrats scrambling to avoid losses in the House and Senate that could dramatically impact the presidential election in 2024. The 2022 midterm environment is the strongest for Republicans in a generation, and the most challenging for Democrats, many strategists in both parties agree. How likely are Republicans to prevail in House and Senate elections this November? Extremely likely, according to history. In its first midterm election, the party that occupies the White House typically loses seats in a new president’s first term. Midterm elections traditionally have lower turnouts, and the party not in the Oval Office generally sees a higher response from its base because they are displeased with the president. ...

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