Sotomayor's Stupid Statements

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Sotomayor's Stupid Statements

Post by claireokc »

How does a Supreme Court Justice get on the SCOTUS and still spout not only incorrect but wildly incorrect utterances?

What's worse is that there wasn't one or two, but a whole pocket-full of them, as if every time she opened her mouth she was showing her stupidity.

The first was the mistaking of 3,500 cases of childhood Covid cases for 100,000 - that's only 2,800% more - not that bad! :roll:

But the biggest faux pas of all was the whole premise and restriction of the question before the court. It wasn't about how many cases are in the country, or a question as to the number, it was strictly about the legal qualifications, permissions, and authority of OSHA violate religious freedom:
Whether the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s Interim Final Rule: COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing; Emergency Temporary Standard, 86 Fed. Reg. 61402, violates the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 or the First Amendment.
This has nothing to do with the cases of childhood Covid in the country - who's infected, who isn't, where or how or even who are on death's door and who are simply at home with the sniffles, and it certainly doesn't have anything to do with the number of cases. This is about the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and what are the parameters or reach for enacting a restriction through the workplace safety mechanism of the law.

It's as if the libs can't stand it if they have the mic for 3 seconds without the "Oh woe is me" and then start the bleeding liberal mantra of how horrible the plight is for those who are afflicted with the flu (remember in 2017-2018 season you were FIVE TIMES more likely to die than of Covid - according to the CDC). It's like the SCOTUS is considering whether or not cops can give out parking tickets, and Sotomayor stands up and spouts out that there's police violence out there. OK, maybe there is maybe there isn't but what does that have to do with parking tickets?! That the justice can't even stay on topic?...I mean what does that have to say about her ability to be a justice? It almost sounds as though she got some sort of dementia or other mental impairment that would preclude her from making any sane, much less useful ruling from her seat!

Doesn't matter if it's false. Doesn't matter if it's an exaggeration. It doesn't even matter if it's off-topic. The question is the regulatory qualifiers of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act - not about how many people are sick.

Here's a super article on the outburst from our Latina justice.
"America needs a brushfire, a moral and spiritual brushfire. And brushfires burn from the bottom up." ~ Bob Woodson
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