Understanding the Durham Filings

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Understanding the Durham Filings

Post by claireokc »

So here's the fun part on all this. For we normal folks, we know not to poke a threatening bear in the eye because the bear will come get you. They don't care if one eye doesn't work - this is war. And it doesn't matter if it's a bear, wolf, alligator or a wasp - the dang animal will come get you. So what happens when the Sussman attorney accuses the federal prosecutor (Durham) of withholding evidence from the defendant? Well, that's a lot like jabbing a hot poker in Durham's eye, especially when the defendant is so stinky that no matter which way he turns (or how many baths he takes), he's still stinky.

And that's what happened on 2/11/22. Durham responded to the request of the defendant to release more information. That "more information" happened to be that the defendant's (Sussman's) attorney happens to be someone that Durham is also looking at. So not only may Sussman not get any more information, but he may very well have to give up his attorney because the attorney is under investigation in the Russiagate scandal.

One great person to get insight into all of this is Kash Patel. Patel was the guy who was Devin Nunes's lead investigator when Nunes was digging up some very fishy information about the Russian investigation into Trump being cozy with Putin. As Patel began to dig more and more, the mess got filthier and filthier. As a matter of fact, the collective comment from all who were involved is that it was so much worse than they had originally suspected when they started the investigation. In Patel's words here is what the biggie on 2/11 was all about:
But look, so John Durham filed another pleading, and then the defense actually, Sussmann’s lawyers filed a response. And we’ll get to that. But basically, John Durham filed another conflict pleading saying that he, John Durham as a federal prosecutor has discovered that the indicted Michael Sussmann as represented by Latham & Watkins, a law firm that also represents other people in John Durham’s investigation or other witnesses that John Durham’s going to call in the trial of Michael Sussmann.

And as you and I previously talked about when he filed a similar pleading against Danchenko, the other guy that’s indicted by John Durham, the source of Christopher Steele, he had a similar issue with him. And under, as we talked about then, under the rule of law in court and under the ethical obligations of a prosecutor, it’s incumbent on the prosecutor to disclose, and as we said, possible conflicts of interest.
OK so what does that mean. Durham has apparently found conflicts of interest in the attorneys who are representing Sussman, and as an "officer of the court" has the responsibility and the charge to reveal this to the court. So the filing that Durham did was to advise the court of legal irregularities instead of waiting till the last minute (right before starting the trial, and Durham would come out that the defense attorney is also being investigated and needs to be relieved because of conflict of interest).

And then here's the delicious part (don't you just love it with the guilty convict themselves without you even opening your mouth?!!!!):
What the defense counsel did was, and I think on this one, I think they overreached, they issued offensive pleadings themselves, the defense counsel that is, to say we’re not getting everything in discovery from you John Durham in special counsel land. We want X, we want Y, we want Z.

So normally what happens is there’s an exchange between defense attorneys and prosecutors and they come to some sort of agreement. If they can’t, they go to the court to have the court decide. What John Durham smartly did was, again, he issued a 20-page pleading where he laid out his entire criminal case against Sussmann. And he also put the world on notice that Michael Sussmann is still under criminal investigation outside of this indictment, which I thought was the most intriguing piece of this, one of the most intriguing pieces of this pleading.

So he’s telling the world, he’s like, well, just because you’re charged with one count of lying doesn’t mean I, John Durham am done investigating you. You, the defense have now asked for X, Y, Z, and all these other things. Well, he, John Durham told the court I can’t meet the deadline set by the court because the defense keeps asking me for this stuff, more and more information, more and more information. So he, John Durham has to go back out and look for it. And rightly so.

So what I think is going to happen is there’s going to be extension of this discovery timeline. And I think they’re going to produce more information than the defense actually ever would’ve wanted to have seen.

Get that: Durham put the world on notice, that Sussman is under investigation for other acts than the one he is currently being indicted for. Yikes! Think about that....how would YOU like to know that you've been indicted by a federal prosecutor, but he reveals in filings, that there are other things the federal prosecutor is looking at that do not involve this case? Egads! That doesn't sound good at all. (Don't you just love how Durham is doing this - aside from running a very tight ship with no leaks - must be killing the libs - he's not putting up with any foolishness from the defense.)

By the way - the libs have been screaming that there doesn't need to be any more extensions and that Durham has done enough investigation. Durham is making it clear with this 2/11 filing that he's only started and there's much more information to be uncovered.

This is the kind of insight that I get from Kash Patel, who has seen most of this information but for one reason or another couldn't reveal it, and now that it's coming out full-force, he's having fun finally being able to reveal it.

His show appears about once a week on EpochTV. Yes, you do have to subscribe, but I guarantee you that what you get is not only well worth it but a bargain. I do the annual thing which is about $8.25/month which is more than my local rag charges per month and has waaaaay more information. This is real news, presented in a professional and obvious way that you know it has fully been vetted. This is like the old Edward R. Murrow days when we don't know if these reporters are conservative or liberal - they simply report the news.

Kash Patel can be found at Kash's Corner
Jan Jekielek (yan yuh-kahl'-ick) can be found at American Thought Leaders (these are great to watch, but you can't binge them. They are each so thought full and full of information that they take a while to digest).
Lee Smith is on Over The Target who wrote The Plot Against the President following Kash Patel and his cohorts around to allow Nunes to write the Nunes Memo. This is also a movie and can be rented on Amazon if you would rather do that.
The Wide Angel is another show I've recently started watching and like it.

EpochTV is a great place to browse through and see what all they have. American Thought Leaders just did a great show on Behind Woke Technology. Now I don't know about you, but that woke stuff has as much logic as a hollered out chigger's eyelash. This show comes about as close as you can to explain wokeism in about as plain a language as you can get. At least I understand the tracking on it. I can't say it's very logical or even practical and it's certainly not realistic, but I can see the tracking.
"America needs a brushfire, a moral and spiritual brushfire. And brushfires burn from the bottom up." ~ Bob Woodson
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