Stitt vs Hofmeister - the Steal Continues

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Stitt vs Hofmeister - the Steal Continues

Post by claireokc »

Most of the people I have talked with have made comments about this race - usually along this order:
  • Gee, why doesn't Stitt come out and debunk this nonsense from Hofmeister?
  • There looks to be something wrong with this race, but not quite sure what that is?
  • Is Stitt lying or is Hofmeister lying?
  • What in the world is going on with this race? Everything looks so fishy!
Well, guess what - those are all honest and legit questions. Hofmeister is making herself look like the Queen of Arc (successor of "Joan") ;) and then Stitt seems to be having his own problems with Ryan Walters and that race while trying to get out from under all the malarkey (that's very charitably put), that Hofmeister is throwing his way.

And why did Hofmeister feel it necessary to change parties and run against Stitt?
Why is it so important for her to get the governor's office?

It's hard for the regular voter to dig into all this, but fortunately, there are some folks who have, and boy howdy. Fortunately, they haven't tried to make either candidate out as a saint, cause they aren't. But one is definitely not a saint while the other has some problems but is much farther above board and will most likely be a much better governor, despite his faults.

From the Blog of V1SUT, comes their final episode of "How To Steal A State," with some very interesting information about Joy Hofmeister. Parts of the latest episode include:
  • The audience: Hofmeister adopts Joe Biden’s playbook and hires his consulting firms to get inside the heads of Oklahomans.
  • The cast: Rancher Craig - The star of Hofmeister’s campaign is a condescendingly cloaked dog whistle for the education establishment.
  • Costume design: Hofmeister gets a make-under and mileage as a measure of your child's success.
  • What’s in Season 6? The Pursuit of Power as a Performance Art:
  • Backstage chatter: In Hofmeister’s own words when the cameras are off.
  • The rehearsals: Acting lessons for Hofmeister.
  • The show’s funders: In-state special interests and out-of-state fundraisers.
  • No critics allowed: Concealing Hofmeister’s lacking performance as state superintendent.
  • The final act: Oklahoma’s PAC lady strikes again.
  • The curtain call: Roses from DA Prater to Hofmeister.
That's a ton of information to assemble - it's taken me a couple of weeks just to weed through it. I've pulled out some of the more remarkable parts and highlighted them with my comments - not that they are all that erudite, but so many I had personal experience with, that hopefully, it would add more authenticity to the document. I found all his reporting to be fabulously on point and clearly understood the track of the race. You can download my version with the notes here.

The scuttlebutt is that Stitt will win the race as he will carry outside Oklahoma and Tulsa Counties, but being an OK county resident, I would still like to see a higher vote here in the cities.
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Re: Stitt vs Hofmeister - the Steal Continues

Post by claireokc »

BTW, V1SUT is one of the online resources included in the Feed Section just under General Discussion Board.
"America needs a brushfire, a moral and spiritual brushfire. And brushfires burn from the bottom up." ~ Bob Woodson
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