Carbon Dioxide and Climate – Friend or Foe? Censorship, Misinformation, and Democracy Michigan's AG Refuses to Enforce L

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Carbon Dioxide and Climate – Friend or Foe? Censorship, Misinformation, and Democracy Michigan's AG Refuses to Enforce L

Post by claireokc »

Is CO2 really the bogey man? Is it a friend or foe of planet Earth? The answer may surprise you. MoreYou can't really have a debate about democracy without knowing what democracy is. MoreIf Roe v. Wade is overturned, abortion will be illegal in Michigan. Dana Nessel doesn't care. MoreWho can blame oil companies for hesitating to produce in the insane business environment Joe Biden and his cronies have set up? MoreYou'll never find Democratic wrongdoing in the mainstream media. More

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Re: Carbon Dioxide and Climate – Friend or Foe? Censorship, Misinformation, and Democracy Michigan's AG Refuses to Enfor

Post by claireokc »

What a total crock. Even Michael Crighton wrote a book about what a lie this is. "State of Fear" started out as a novel about how important climate change was and in the process of digging through all the real data, he found that not only is it a lie, but that it also is only used as a fundraiser for the liberals. Imagine raising money because of an imminent invasion of clowns. Apparently, it's that stupid.

For me, the defining moment is looking at the Florida Atlantic coast with all those high-rise residents.
Now not all of these high-rises are built with cash. They are mostly built with borrowed money and that means that the banks want to make sure that their investment isn't going to get destroyed (which includes being swallowed up by rising water). So they require things like insurance, building inspections, code requirements met, and various other requirements. Now, if there was an imminent threat of water rising on the Florida coast, then that means that there would also have to be insurance and remedy or at least preparation for that. But no. None of those loans has anything about climate change and rising waters. So the practical people (IOW the adults) in the room, don't worry about that calamity happening. Therefore, what does that tell you about the reality of climate change?

It tells you it's a crock.

This article specifically explains about CO2 and if there weren't any CO2 on the planet, then not only would we humans be gone, so would much of the Earth because plants require CO2 to live. And the by-product of CO2 that the plants use, is O2 - yep, we need that ole CO2 to make O2.

If nothing else this is a great article the next time an errant lib takes off on climate change. Of course they won't know what you're talking about because they have drunk the Kool-Aid and don't use reason, logic or their brains to operate their mouths!
"America needs a brushfire, a moral and spiritual brushfire. And brushfires burn from the bottom up." ~ Bob Woodson
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