Musings from American Thinker

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Musings from American Thinker

Post by claireokc »

American Thinker is a site that has selected authors/writers explain, denote and elucidate about the American condition, which is still singularly a most unique form of government, even in it's disastrous condition today.

Here's a collection of recent posts from this site - each response has it's own title so hopefully it will give you some insight.

The first one is from the father of our country coming to us positioned as an "old friend" and warning us of:
  1. Too much disparity in the country can lead to unreconcilable divisions (there's an Instagram Post showing this on Prager U - very brief and very clear for any conservative who's lived the last decade. Click here
  2. too many factions that are open to exploitation such as the Grievance Industry that post-civil-rights activists were want to do,
  3. being aware that those factions can leave the country vulnerable to invasion from evil and foreign forces
  4. not being faithful to the constitution (duh!)
  5. belief in our Creator God. By the time the new country started, it was almost imperative if not an out-right requirement that government officials be full-fledged masons who were comprised mostly by their belief in God
  6. and finally that the country and future leaders would conduct themselves to the furthering of the country's well-being, so that he would rest in his retirement in peace
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Support for BLM and BDS Is Support for Hate and Violence

Post by claireokc »

This article starts out:
Robert A. Heinlein wrote that "The man who eats meat cannot sneer at the butcher." While it's legal to eat meat, it's illegal to attend dog fights. If people who attend dog fights didn't pay admission fees or place bets, the hands-on perpetrators would have no incentive to abuse the dogs.

We contend similarly that any organization that supports the Black Lives Matter Global Network is vicariously (if not legally) complicit in looting, rioting, anti-Semitism, support for Hamas, and incitement of violence against law enforcement professionals and others.
If that doesn't get you going, nothing will. What this does is, in plain words, set out why these organizations are so bad and why the people who support them are completely tied to their beliefs.

The article continues with
We Don't Need Nazis for Animal Rights, or BLM for Civil Rights

Support for BDS is Support for Hamas
Is it any wonder that conservatives are hell-bent and not going to take it any more?
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Joe Biden, Marionette

Post by claireokc »

And why are we not surprised, but in a way this article is almost humorous in its honesty with quotes like:
At least use the other credit card, Hunter, for God’s sake!
The total embarrassment of the American Presidency is exemplified in the feel-good phone call to NORAD with his complete lack of understand of LGB.
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The Two COVID Questions Before SCOTUS

Post by claireokc »

This is most educational and what we as participating citizens (what our founding fathers hoped every inhabitant of this country would be), talking about the OSHA and CMS (health care workers) cases.

The questions for the court to consider are two:
  1. Whether the federal government has the authority to mandate any vaccines and
  2. Whether the feds have the authority to mandate these particular vaccines.
There is no precedent for the first, but still considering the conservatives' effort at arguing successfully before the court, the outcome is not a sure thing.

This is all compounded by the irresponsibly over-exaggeration of COVID cases as well as the most recent advice from director Fauci when asked, "Why not take a COVID test to see if you still have COVID to know whether you can go out without a mask or have to wear a mask?" (paraphrasing here). And Fauci's answer is (paraphrasing again) the tests are so unreliable that they would most likely cause continual false positives causing a person to never have to come out of quarantine, and therefore not be practical. Really?! If you want to get more confused, there's an additional description of the "new" policy from the CDC here.

Euuuwww boy! Talk about Crazy?
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Dr. Peter McCullough Conducts Grand Rounds on COVID 19

Post by claireokc »

So what is a Grand Round? A medical School or Hospital even where members of the Medical Department display their erudition and eloquence on matters of import. As this article continues Joe Rogan does this interview with Dr. Peter McCullough (and the list of accreditation, writings and education, and awards are incredibly long and stellar at the first of the interview) who is working on finding a drug for the "cure" of COVID (or even block of transmission, which the COVID vaccines don't do and were never intended to do), and meets an amazing block of working on basically curing these patients.

Of course, this goes into dealing with the stockpiling of Ivermectin, but the feds not releasing the medication even though it's been proven to work.

Here's the video from Joe Rogan and it's long, but because Rogan is such a great interviewer and the interviewee is so well-versed as well as specific and clear on the subject, the interview is never boring, and very illuminating. At least read the article and hopefully, that will get you to listen to the interview. Here's the interview:
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The Real Efficacy Rates of the COVID Vaccine

Post by claireokc »

Part of what I love most about this site is its ability to discuss complex and intricate subjects (like the way the body fights off viruses) in such a way that we can all understand it. In this case, the statistics of COVID as kept by our governments and which would hopefully be sound in making judgments about how to direct actions that the population would need to take to protect Mike Lindell would say, "What a concept?!"

This article is a perfect example of that. We all know that the figures have been wildly exaggerated, but here's the document that puts it all together.
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'Ex-Mossad' is Network Crime Dramas' New Symbol of Ruthless Villainy

Post by claireokc »

What's most important about this article is that it's even written or that there is enough of a trend to write something so anti-semitic. I grew up in an age when that was as abominable as killing babies, which also doesn't seem to be so debauched these days either. If you're low on time, glad through the first paragraphs, but it's more that this subject is being discussed that is the news.
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Here's What Makes Modernizing Afghanistan Impossible

Post by claireokc »

Afganistan has long been the dynasty killer of many empires and large countries - from Great Britian, to Russia to the US, thinking that it can be conquered or tamed is illusionary. This article makes the case....again for those who don't study or know about history.
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American Prophet: Dwight David Eisenhower

Post by claireokc »

This is one of three parts: George Washington, Eisenhower and Regan being the three American Prophets. This is a great article, short and concise about some of the problems we are now dealing with.
The post-World War II era also saw an expansion in the use of “experts” from academia and the business world who sought to apply sophisticated research models to address… but not often resolve public policy concerns.
And not only did those "experts" become the jobs to have, but required multi-year degrees from universities and colleges - no more trade schools or vo-tech schools. Only "experts" have to be jobs for the future. This gets a little into my Trade-School rant so I won't go there, but if there were more "doing" jobs filled rather than "servicing" jobs filled, we'd be a much better country.

Eisenhower could see the beginning of the Deep State, that we are now in the middle of trying to extricate ourselves from:
Eisenhower was concerned about the undue influence wrought by the close relationship between military leaders and war planners, with the private sector contractors that supply the military with equipment, materiel and technology and the members of Congress who approve the expenditures.
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The Truth You Never Learned About Watergate

Post by claireokc »

Reading this article, you have to wonder what the libs hated so much about Nixon. We know what the libs hate about Trump who has been treated virtually the same way. But Nixon was simple a "red-hater" (hating communism) and he probably didn't run the most user-friendly admin ever, and maybe that was enough. At any rate, the abuses and collisions and flagrant breaking of laws abound in this description of what happened with Nixon.

Having lived through this time, I was as convinced as the next guy (I was a conservative back then too), that Nixon was a very bad person, and needed to be gone. It's rather rubber-necking to read the list of mistakes and misuse of power the libs had in attacking and going after Nixon.

I suppose one could say the same about Trump, that he's such a combative and irresponsibly foul-mouthed person that using even illegal as well as "not-legal" methods to get rid of him, is all worth it. Back in those "red-hating" days, we called that the end justify the means. This was a fav amongst libs at the time saying that even if a killing occurred, it was required to get across the ways of the Weather Underground, SDS (Students for Democratic Society - don't kid yourself that last "S" could have well been "Socialism"), and the likes of Saul Alinksy and Malcolm X. But politics and the country's mood seems to move like a pendulum from one extreme to another, although I'm not sure I consider Trump a right extremist. He was merely for solid-financial and moral laws that had made this country a leader in the world for decades, and managed to work through 8 years of Obama messes in just a few years. This shows us just how fleeting the advances that the left had made were.

That doesn't take away from those advances as if they aren't really threats. They are threats and the more that we allow them, and this is a matter of the conservatives allowing pushes against the moral and financial fiber of this country. There's an interesting video - very short - on Prager U's Instagram channel that describes the reason Trump is who he is and why we all like him so much.
"America needs a brushfire, a moral and spiritual brushfire. And brushfires burn from the bottom up." ~ Bob Woodson
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