A Simple Technique That’s Been Proven to Turn a ‘C’ student Into an ‘A’ Student—With Minimal Time or Cost

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A Simple Technique That’s Been Proven to Turn a ‘C’ student Into an ‘A’ Student—With Minimal Time or Cost

Post by claireokc »

In their quest for the Holy Grail of teaching techniques, educators and parents alike have tried—and to their credit, are willing to try!—it all. Increasingly it is technology that schools are turning to for breakthroughs, though often at significant costs to the pocketbook. Only time will tell whether it provides the panacea many hope for. What is becoming ever clearer to, the longer I teach, is that often it’s the simple things—done well—that work best. Often it turns out that less is more. Nowhere is this more true than with a simple technique that any teacher can do at any level of instruction, anywhere—be it in the classroom with 25 kids or in the living room, homeschooling. ...

Source: https://www.theepochtimes.com/a-simple- ... 08966.html
"America needs a brushfire, a moral and spiritual brushfire. And brushfires burn from the bottom up." ~ Bob Woodson
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